Become a Member

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of SALBA

We are a trade association representing manufacturers, distributors, and importers of alcoholic beverages in South Africa. Our trade association is open to all licensed businesses in South Africa.

We support our members on all issues that are non-competitive in nature, focussing on regulations, excise tax and illicit trade. Due to recent changes in the alcoholic beverages industry, our focus is on spirits and ready to drink beverages. ( Ciders, Spirit Coolers, AFB’s etc.)

With effect 1 July 2023 we will no longer be providing support to the wine or beer industry.

Our member contributions are based on market share of the alcoholic beverages sold in South Africa and it is therefore a constitutional requirement that all members should provide us with their sales data on a quarterly basis to determine their membership due.

Annual Membership Rates

The process to becoming a member is relatively simple. Please complete the application form, submit your latest sales volumes, registration at the National Liquor Authority (License to trade) and we will confirm your membership contribution. Thereafter we table your request for membership at our Executive Meeting for approval.

Minimum contribution by members in terms of clause 9.3 of the SALBA Constitution, calculated on volumes sold for the calendar year. Contribution is based on formula-based share for the year.

Minimum contribution fees are reviewed annually.

Membership Application Form

  • Business Details

  • Your phone number
  • Your business telephone number
  • Confidential Information of the Business

  • Annual sales volume of alcoholic beverages for the most recent calendar year (in litre or hectolitre)
  • Terms and Conditions